Sunday, December 30, 2012


A few years ago I wrote out my personal vision statement. It was a soul-searching process that forced me to think through what I consider "success". The definition of success I chose to pursue is very different from what most of our popular culture embraces. 

Not the praise of men, not the admiration of co-workers, not the fame of publicity, not wealth or riches, not a life of leisure or pleasure, not the mention in books or magazines, not invitations to speak at prominent events but the gaze of the Father whose eyes say loudly WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SON is my purest desire. My fleshly heart looks for man-centered ways of measuring my success and significance while my spirit looks to the Father to find divine approval.  Deep inside I know that to act outside of the will of the Father motivated by anything other than his glory is nothing but waste and loss. Men may applaud it, the young may admire it, the crowds may celebrate it and my flesh may be tempted by it, but the Spirit of Jesus quietly side steps all that does not please the heart of the Father.

At the end of my life I hope to measure my success by the standard I have set in the statement below.

Mark Jobe - Personal Vision Statement
I want to be true to my call.
Walk with integrity
Stay in love with my wife while raising a great family
Influence multitudes
Reach the end of my life loving God
above all things and others genuinely as myself
I want to know Christ deeply, be like him increasingly
and make him known where ever I go
I want to hear “Well done good and faithful son enter into
My Kingdom. You have been a man after my own heart.

If you do not define your life's goals than others will define them for you. If you do not live with the   end in mind than your life will tend to drift to the place of least resistance and greatest comfort. If you do not define what success you will pursue you might find yourself succeeding at that which doesn't really matter and failing at that which really does matter. 


  1. I must say that I find your personal life statement very reflective and inspiring. I wish that at times I was able to capture my vision for life in such eloquent, precise and clear words. I like you desire to hear the exact same words "My good and faithful servant with the addition of "Many woman do noble things but your surpass them all." The words which inspire me in your personal vision statement is "I want to be true to my call." "My Call" for me seems to be still shaping itself. As I look back a year ago, hectic 13 years ago, I have discovered that God's plan for me has been wild, great and full of him. It has never been boring or I am a creature that thrives on predictability, I have learned to enjoy his unpredictability.I wonder if "His Call" is a constant and consistent call or can it shift and change through seasons? and if so does that change or influence your personal vision statement? Just reflecting on your words.

  2. Hi Michele, I think of calling as a motion picture. God knows how the movie ends but we live it episode by episode. As we move forward being true to God and our current call he sharpens our focus and bends it for his purposes. I believe in periodic re-evaluation of my calling and energy focus. At each stage of life it will need to be refreshed and refocused. Hope that helps.

  3. before it set's in. anything,repent my sin's as god as my savour.signed daniel gordon sparrow
